Gotham City, a city of corruption. A city that has good men, as well as bad men. Gotham, an example of many societies. Societies that need a change. Societies that have the urge to revolt.
'Dark Knight rises', a movie by Christopher Nolan, showed exactly how an induced revolution uses the needs of the citizens to reach its goals.
'Ra's Al Guhl', a dreamer of Utopia. He didn't want to live in a world of liars, hypocrites and corrupts. But he had his own way of thinking. He wanted to start from Level Zero. He wanted to demolish the human race and begin a new world. Just like pressing a restart button!!
On the other hand; There was the masked man, who fights evil, hiding his identity to protect his beloved ones. He was being hunted by the cops, wanted by the government. That's because they don't know who or what they were dealing with! Yet, he still continued to fight the crime. Then, he came to a point were he thought that the society was not in need of him. He left the responsibilities to the POLICE FORCE to take over on its own, having faith that this was what was right to do. But when the city needed him, he came back. They needed a symbol of hope. A symbol they can trust. He came back in spite of the others who tried to pull him back. May be, because they loved him. Just like a parent who wouldn't like his son to go to war.
Alfred: [to Bruce] Remember when you left Gotham? Before all this, before Batman? You were gone seven years. Seven years I waited, hoping that you wouldn't come back. Every year, I took a holiday. I went to Florence, there's this cafe, on the banks of the Arno. Every fine evening, I'd sit there and order a Fernet Branca. I had this fantasy, that I would look across the tables and I'd see you there, with a wife and maybe a couple of kids. You wouldn't say anything to me, nor me to you. But we'd both know that you'd made it, that you were happy. I never wanted you to come back to Gotham. I always knew there was nothing here for you, except pain and tragedy. And I wanted something more for you than that. I still do.
Bruce Wayne: If this man is everything that you say he is, then this city needs me.
Alfred: This city needs Bruce Wayne, your resources, your knowledge. It doesn't need your body, or your life. That time has passed.
Bruce Wayne: You're afraid that if I go back out there I'll fail.
Alfred: No. I'm afraid that you want to.
Doctor: I've seen worse cartilage in knees.
Bruce Wayne: It's good.
Doctor: No, that's because there is NO cartilage in your knee. Scar tissue on your kidneys. Concussive damage to your brain tissue. I can not recommend that you go heliskiing.
Alfred: I'll get this to Mr. Fox, but no more. I've sewn you up, I've set your bones, but I won't bury you. I've buried enough members of the Wayne family.
Bruce Wayne: You'll leave me?
Alfred: You see only one end to your journey. Leaving is all I have to make you understand, you're not Batman anymore. You have to find another way. You used to talk about finishing a life beyond that awful cape.
Bruce Wayne: Rachel died believing that we would be together; that was my life beyond the cape. I can't just move on. She didn't, she couldn't.
Alfred: What if she had? What if, before she died, she wrote a letter saying she chose Harvey Dent over you? And what if, to spare your pain, I burnt that letter?
Bruce Wayne: How dare you use Rachel to try to stop me?
Alfred: I am using the truth, Master Wayne. Maybe it's time we all stop trying to outsmart the truth and let it have its day. I'm sorry.
Bruce Wayne: You're sorry? You expect to destroy my world and then think we're going to shake hands?
Alfred: No... no, I know what this means.
Bruce Wayne: What does it mean?
Alfred: It means your hatred... and it also means losing someone that I have cared for since I first heard his cries echo through this house. But it might also mean saving your life. And that is more important.
Bruce Wayne: Goodbye, Alfred.
Catwoman: Come with me. Save yourself. You don't owe these people any more! You've given them everything!
Batman: Not everything. Not yet.
Commissioner Gordon, a part of the government. He knew that Gotham needed to change. But he believed that the change should initiate from within the society. He was against Chaos. The security of Gotham city was much more important to him than anything.
Jim Gordon: [reading from the book "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens] I see a beautiful city and a brilliant people rising from this abyss. I see the lives for which I lay down my life, peaceful, useful, prosperous and happy. I see that I hold a sanctuary in their hearts, and in the hearts of their descendants, generations hence. It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to, than I have ever known.
Jim Gordon: Gotham needed a hero...
John Blake: It needs it now more than ever. You betrayed everything you stood for.
Jim Gordon: There's a point, far out there when the structures fail you, and the rules aren't weapons anymore, they're... shackles letting the bad guy get ahead. One day... you may face such a moment of crisis. And in that moment, I hope you have a friend like I did, to plunge their hands into the filth so that you can keep yours clean!

Anne Hathaway (Selina Kyle 'Cat Woman') was an example of many people who lived in Gotham. She was a poor woman who felt that the society didn't protect her rights.
Selina Kyle: You don't get to judge me just because you were born in the master bedroom of Wayne Manor
Bruce Wayne: [interrupting] Actually, I was born in the Regency Room.
Selina Kyle: There's a storm coming, Mr. Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the hatches, because when it hits, you're all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us.
Selina Kyle was brought up by the cruel society. She lost her morals. She was selfish and didn't give concern to anything. Yet, she had this kind part within.
Bruce Wayne: You are in deep with the wrong people.
Selina Kyle: You don't know a thing about me.
She could save a life of a kid who suffered just like her. She could think about a man she loved, although she betrayed him once or twice.
Selina Kyle: I had no choice.
Batman: You just made a serious mistake.
In a revolution, you should be aware of such people. They could either get out with the crowd and call for their rights, or sell it all for money.
Catwoman: I blow that tunnel open, I'm gone!
Batman: There's more to you than that.
Catwoman: Sorry I keep letting you down!
Catwoman: Come with me. Save yourself. You don't owe these people any more! You've given them everything!
Batman: Not everything. Not yet.
Bane: We take Gotham from the corrupt! The rich! The oppressors of generations who have kept you down with myths of opportunity, and we give it back to you... the people. Gotham is yours. None shall interfere. Do as you please. Start by storming Blackgate, and freeing the oppressed! Step forward those who would serve. For and army will be raised. The powerful will be ripped from their decadent nests, and cast out into the cold world that we know and endure. Courts will be convened. Spoils will be enjoyed. Blood will be shed. The police will survive, as they learn to serve true justice. This great city... it will endure. Gotham will survive!
(THE TRUTH: Gotham will explode in five months!)
STEP 2: Destroy the POLICE FORCE
by making the society lose faith in police symbols. Expose some true corrupts and fake other accusations.
Bane: Behind you stands a symbol of oppression; Blackgate Prison, where a thousand men have languished under the name of this man:
[holds up a picture of Harvey Dent]
Bane: Harvey Dent, who has been held up to you as the shining example of justice.
Bane: You have been supplied with a false idol to stop you from tearing down this corrupt city. Let me tell you the truth about Harvey Dent from the words of Gotham's police commissioner, James Gordon. 'The Batman didn't murder Harvey Dent, he saved my boy then took the blame for Harvey's appalling crimes so that I could, to my shame, build a lie around this fallen idol. I praised the mad man who tried to murder my own child but I can no longer live with my lie. It is time to trust the people of Gotham with the truth and it is time for me to resign.' And do you accept this man's resignation? Do you accept the resignation of all these liars? Of all the corrupt?
or Physically:
(trapping the police force in the sewers!)
it was observed that the fight at the end was between the police and the revolutionists lead by Bane and his men.
Bane: Behind you stands a symbol of oppression; Blackgate Prison, where a thousand men have languished under the name of this man:
[holds up a picture of Harvey Dent]
Bane: Start by storming Blackgate, and freeing the oppressed!
A new regime should get rid as much as possible of the symbols of the previous one. They should replace the others left with new figures of whom had been oppressed before the revolution had begun.
All the corrupts or so they called were trialed. Of course the judge was Crane 'Scarecrow' a villain in the eyes of the past regime. A FAIR judge for the plans of the new one !!
Jim Gordon: No jury? No witnesses? What kind of justice is this?
Dr. Jonathan Crane: This is not a trial. This is merely a sentencing. How do you wish to have your sentence carried out? Death, or exile?
Jim Gordon: If you think we're going to walk out on that ice willingly, you got another thing coming!
Dr. Jonathan Crane: So, death then?
Jim Gordon: Looks that way.
Dr. Jonathan Crane: Death... by exile!
Blind Prisoner: You do not fear death. You think this makes you strong. It makes you weak.
Bruce Wayne: Why?
Blind Prisoner: How can you move faster than possible, fight longer than possible without the most powerful impulse of the spirit: the fear of death.
Bruce Wayne: I do fear death. I fear dying in here, while my city burns, and there's no one there to save it.
Blind Prisoner: Then make the climb.
Bruce Wayne: How?
Blind Prisoner: As the child did. Without the rope. Then fear will find you again.
Crowd: [chanting] Deshi basara! Deshi basara!
Bruce Wayne: What does that mean?
Prisoner: Rise!
Catwoman: You could have gone anywhere, but you came back.
Batman: So did you.
Catwoman: Well then I guess we're both suckers.
They aren't suckers, they are the figures GOTHAM needs to stand up..
They are masked.. unknown.. hidden identity..
But they are exactly what GOTHAM needs..
They are the figures GOTHAM needs to RISE..
Batman: A hero can be anyone. Even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as putting a coat around a little boy's shoulders to let him know that the world hadn't ended.
Alfred: Don't worry, Master Wayne. It takes a little time to get back into the swing of things.
Bob Kane (Batman characters)

Directed by
Christopher Nolan
Christian Bale ... Bruce Wayne
Gary Oldman ... Commissioner Gordon
Tom Hardy ... Bane
Joseph Gordon-Levitt ... Blake
Anne Hathaway ... Selina
Marion Cotillard ... Miranda
Morgan Freeman ... Fox
Michael Caine ... Alfred
"GOTHAM is just an example.. a city that revolted.. and it turned out to be a mistake.. GOOD intentions lead by EVIL MINDS.. and to get back to the right path, a symbol is needed, a symbol should guide,, and until this symbol rises,, There will be UNREST.."
Sherif Tahoon
25 january 2013

S for Shiko
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