Monday, December 31, 2012

It's A New Year...!

Be da princess I know,
Since da first time I saw U,
Facts 've changed, n' about U,
Thousands of songs, I'd write..

Don't let go of ur glow,,
Be as gorgeous as ever,
Tonight,, and forever n' ever,,
Listen to my heart's demand,

It's a new year,
A year has passed away and saw,
Lots of smiles and tears,
And dreams and fears,
And much of time that I enjoyed with U,

Pure as angels can be ,
Beauty catching emotions,
Fairy tales and illusions,
All come pass by my mind..

Be the place I would go,
Whenever I need a companion,
Love, it's care and devotion,
Home is when I'm by ur side,,

It's a new year,
A year has passed away and saw,
Lots of smiles and tears,
And dreams and fears,
And much of time, that I enjoyed with U...

H A P P Y  N E W  Y E A R

2 0 1 3

Special Dedication

S for Shiko

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Story Behind Santa Claus! (Merry Christmas 2012)

The Real History of Santa Claus

Where did the legend of Santa Claus come from? How did it start? Lets look at the real story behind the myth, beginning with a very real man named Nicholas.

The legend began in fourth century Myra in Asia Minor, which today is known as Turkey. Nicholas was a Bishop who was known for his generosity and kindness to children. At least one miracle was attributed to him by the Catholic Church. The most famous story about him is the following...

A father had three daughters. They were so poor, they were likely to lose their home. The three young daughters had decided to turn to prostitution to save their father from financial ruin and retain their home. When Bishop Nicholas found out, he visited their house and left three stocking, each with a piece of gold within. The three gold pieces saved the family from ruin (And also started the tradition of hanging Christmas stockings and putting gifts in them.)

Later, Bishop Nicholas got into trouble with Emperor Diocletian for saying things which the Emperor preferred were not said. Nicholas didn't approve of many thing which occurred under the Emperor and said so. He was exiled from Myra. Nicholas wandered Europe for a time and his reputation had proceeded him. He was well received everywhere as a man of integrity and courage. The Pope himself praised Nicholas.

Eventually Bishop Nicholas returned to Myra and was quickly arrested. He ultimately died in prison on Dec. 6, 350 AD. Many mourned his death and so decided to honor his life annually. Sailors, migrants and various travelers carried the tale of Bishop Nicholas throughout Europe. His deeds were honored every Dec. 6th in many countries. The Church eventually made him St. Nicholas.

In 1686, Josiah King wrote "The Examination and Trial of Father Christmas" to celebrate Christmas being reinstated as an official holiday. Father Christmas embodied the spirit of good will and joy that Christmas is supposed to represent. Father Christmas was depicted as an old man with a white beard. This could be because he typified the antiquity of the Christian tradition. Another theory is that he was based on Woton (Or Odin) the All-Father of Scandinavian/Dutch/Germanic mythology. Father Christmas did not bring gifts to children, at this point. He was implicitly immortal, as eternal as Christmas itself.

Father Christmas became a symbol of Christmas over the next 100 years. And since the life of St. Nicholas was also celebrated every December, the two legends somehow began to merge. People began to think of them as one character and so St. Nicholas became Father Christmas.

In the 1700, many Dutch speaking people began to settle in America. They brought with them the legends of St. Nicholas/Father Christmas. They called him Sint Nikolaas, but the name got shortened and altered by American writer Washington Irving who wrote the first popular stories about the Sint Nikolass, who Irving renamed "Sinterklaus". Americans, hearing this legend for the first time, adopted the story into American culture but they had trouble pronouncing Sinterklaus and so they changed the name to make it easier to say. Saint Nicholas/Father Christmas became Santa Claus in America. Although the name Father Christmas would eventually fade from popular use in America, Santa Claus would not.

In Austria, he became known as 'Christkind', the spirit of Christ's generosity. He had other names around the world but few of them are used any longer. When Austrians brought Christkind to America, the name was secularized and became Kris Kringle.

Different aspects of the combined legend were represented in Santa Claus. Santa brought toys to kids and was a immortal being who symbolized Christmas. His appearance was rather vague at this point and different groups pictured him different ways. But the one definite, consistent element was the white beard.

Santa/Kris Kringle was sometimes described as a jolly elf, because the Santa legend got mixed with another myth which talks of a magic Elf who comes to your home to deliver gifts. The elfin image that was popularized by Clement Clark Moore's classic 1823 poem, "A Visit From St. Nick". (Moore also invented the idea of the flying Reindeer.) This elfin image was the prevailing view of Santa for a long time.

In 1881, Harper's Weekly cartoonist Thomas Nast made some famous illustrations of Santa which depicted the jolly fellow as a chubby fellow. He was drawn with a big belly. The text that accompanied the Nast cartoons suggested that Santa and his magic Reindeer lived in the North Pole. Nast also designed his trademark red suit. Up until this point, Santa Claus had usually been drawn as wearing Bishop Robes.

But the definitive, iconic image of Santa Claus as we know him today was created by Coca Cola. In 1931, Coke began a massive publicity campaign using Santa Claus as their gimmick. The ads showed a smiling Santa holding a Coca Cola in his hand. This interpretation of Santa was a rather large man, tall and tubby, with a bushy white beard. He had a bright red outfit lined with white fur.

Many Santa actors were hired by Coke for personal appearances. Department store Santas started to appear at this time and they adopted the tall, plus-sized version of St Nick. Taller Santas were easier to find than little people. However, they did cast dwarfs and midgets as Santa's Elf helpers. (Beginning the legend that Elves made Santa toys.)

This over-sized rendition of Santa was adopted by Macy's who used the large Santa as the anchor of their annual parade. The 1947 film "A Miracle on 34th Street" finally cemented this image.

The name Father Christmas never really caught on in America but the names Santa Claus/Kris Kringle/St. Nicholas are all still well known and used today. The figure of Santa Claus has appeared in every possible medium of entertainment and literature. He is forevermore established as a large, portly, ageless man in a red costume who lives in the North Pole and brings toys (built by Elves) to children on his flying reindeer and sleigh.

We wish you a Merry Christmas 
We wish you a Merry Christmas 
We wish you a Merry Christmas 
And a Happy New Year.

We wish you a Merry Christmas 
We wish you a Merry Christmas 
We wish you a Merry Christmas 
And a Happy New Year.

Good tidings we bring
To you and your king
Good tidings for Christmas
And a happy new year.

We wish you a Merry Christmas 
We wish you a Merry Christmas 
We wish you a Merry Christmas 
And a Happy New Year.

Good tidings we bring.
To you and your king
Good tidings for Christmas
And a happy new year.

We wish you a Merry Christmas 
We wish you a Merry Christmas 
We wish you a Merry Christmas 
And a Happy New Year.

We wish you a Merry Christmas 
We wish you a Merry Christmas 
We wish you a Merry Christmas 
And a Happy New Year.
We wish you a merry Christmas
And a happy new year.



S for Shiko

Saturday, December 15, 2012

على باب اللجنة..

      في مدرسة علي بن أبي طالب الابتدائية, أمام باب لجنة رقم 44... كنت واقف قدام الباب و خلاص أنا اللي عليا الدور و مبسوط و كده.. فإذا بهذه الأحداث تأخذ مجراها..

رجل بدقن: عمر بن الخطاب مين؟ احترم نفسك.. 

شاب أسمر: مالك يا عم..

الرجل أبو دقن: أنا سامعك بتقول ايه.. خليك ف حالك أحسنلك.. انت فاهم ولا لأ.. 

الشاب الأسمر: أنا كلمتك يا عم انت..

الزجل أبو دقن: انت كذاب و أنا سامعك بتقول عمر بن الخطاب.. انت اش فهمك؟؟ 

و تعالت الأصوات... 

الشاب اللي واقف ورايا: (بعصبية) يقول اللي يقوله.. انت تخرس خالص.. (و يتعالى صوته) هو كل واحد بدقن هييجي يقولي قال الله و قال الرسول.. و هو بس اللي بيفهم في الدين و السنى.. اتكلم ياض قول اللي انت عايزه.. جاتكوا البلاوي ركبتوها و خربتوها.. الواد يقووول اللي هو عايييزه.. قول ياااااض...  .. و  اذا به يتحول الى ثور هائج و يبدأ وصلة سباب و زعيق و الناس تحوش..

و يتدخل مجند و يحتضن الشاب الغاضب و يحتوي ثورته..

و أنا أطبطب عليه.. و أقوله اهدى مش كده.. ده راجل كبير.. 

و ينصرف الرجل أبو دقن بعد ظهور قيادات من الشرطة و الجيش لعدم تفاقم الوضع.. 

و يأتي ضابط و يأخذ الشاب الأسمر الذي قال عمر بن الخطاب.. الى لا أدري أين!!

و يأتي ضابط اخر و يأخذ الشاب اللي كان واقف ورايا و يدخله مباشرة الى اللجنة ليدلي بصوته و ينصرف احتواءا للموقف..

في هذه الأثناء.. واحد ابن تيت.. جه من ورا و أنا سرحان و دخل اللجنة قبلي.. ف اتغظت أوي أوي أوي الصراحة!!  :-(

S for Shiko

لجنة 44.. دستور

اليوم: السبت
التاريخ: 15-12-2012  
الساعة 12:00 ظهرا
المكان: مدرسة علي بن أبي طالب الابتدائية, داخل لجنة رقم 44...

دخلت زي العسكري ما قالي.. وريت الراجل أبو دفتر البطاقة و كتبت اسمي الثلاثي.. و سلمت البطاقة للمستشار.. اداني ورقة الاقتراع

و دخلت أدلي بصوتي.. 

كتبت اللي كتبته و حطيت صوباعي ف الحبر و رحت عشان أخد البطاقة و أمشي..

لقيت القاضي بيكتب حاجة في الأوراق اللي قدامه.. و لمحت اسمي..

محمد شريف ابراهيم أحمد - كفيف- 

و مكملتش..

 أنا مش كفيف حضرتك!!

                                                                  القاضي: استنى انت بس..

                                               أستنى ايه.. انت بتكتب ايه؟!

القاضي: من فضلك سيبني أشوف شغلي.. ملكش دعوة باللي بكتبه..

و جه ف بالي, لو أنا فعلا كفيف.. و أنا موجود دلوقتي و بتحرك عادي.. هل ده معناه اني

 "DareDevil" مثلا؟!


ايه العبيط ده؟!

ثانية واحدة حضرتك..

 حضرتك أنا اسمي ده اللي انت بتكتبه.. و أنا مش كفيف.. أنا شايفك اهو و شايف اسمي.. محمد شريف ابراهيم..

شوفت أنا شايف ازاى؟؟!

الراجل بتاع الحبر أخد باله.. و الناس بدأت تاخد بالها ان في حاجة بتحصل..

القاضي أخد باله ان الناس بدأت تبص علينا..

أنا: أنا بأقول لحضرتك.. أنا محمد شريف.. و أنا مش كفيف..

و جه ف بالي المنظر ده! :p

أنا مش كفيف.. مش كفيف.. مش كفيييييييف..!

و تدارك القاضي حرج الموقف..

القاضي: الله.. أمال مين؟!.. اااه.. معلش أصلي كنت ماسك بطاقتك.. و اتلخبط مع اللي قابلك.. كويس انك أخدت بالك...

انا: ولا يهمك.. أنا بس عاوز البطاقة و يا ريت بس تشطب ع اللي انت كتبته..

و فضلت واقف قدامه لحد ما شطب على اسمي.. و لقيته بيكتب اسم واحد تاني كان مكتوب قدامه في ورقة تانية.. !!


S for Shiko

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Believe me,it works!!

How to Hurt your friend in only Five steps:

Step One: Show some sort of carelessness.

Step Two: Make him feel he's not a priority.

Step Three: Ignore him for a while.

Step Four: Lie at him and a act innocent.

Step Five: Fake excuses.

If it didn't hurt for the first time, repeat the same steps again,,,
Believe me, it works!!!

S for Shiko

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Happy Last Sequential Day everybody!


The last sequential day you will ever see this century

Make it memorable..

Tell your kids, You witnessed that DAY ;-)


S for Shiko

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

حالة حب

" اللي قلبي حبها "

لما بأحكي عن حبيبتي.. بأبقى عايز أقول كتير
... و صدقوني مهما أحكي.. مش بأوصل غير قليل
مش بأوصل سحرها.. ولا طيبة قلبها
مش بأوصل حاجة منها.. غير ملامح عنها
دي اللي قلبي حبها...

لما أقرب منها.. و أما بأسمع همسها
عالشعور اللي بيسري جوة مني وقتها
اللي قلبي حبها..

لما بأمسك ايدها روحي.. تروح عليها تقولّها
ان قلبي حبها..

لما حضني يضمها.. خدي يلمس خدها
بأنسى أي حاجة تانية.. و أبقى ليها لوحدها
اللي قلبي حبها..

اللي قلبي حبها .. لما بأبقى جنبها..
بألقى كل حاجة فيا.. طايرة بيا للسما..
دي اللي قلبي حبها.. دي اللي بأعشق حضنها..  
دي اللي كل كلمة منها.. غنوة حلوة بحبها..

S for Shiko

Monday, December 10, 2012

A Message in A Bottle!

I won't thank You for your beautiful gift. I will thank GOD for his beautiful gift. I will thank GOD for giving me--YOU! ^_^ 

S for Shiko

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Believe that Moment!

"Love" is never spoken.. 

"I love U" is never a phrase..

"Love" is just that feeling.. 

Observed in the Eyes & the Face..

If U ever felt at any moment,

That a certain person is in love with U..
Believe that moment,

As strong feelings are not that easy to be faked..

S for Shiko

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

من كتابات 2007 -في حب مصر-

في حب مصر

على كوبري قصر النيل.. و أنا رايح التحرير
شايف ناس كتير..ماشيين

كبار و صغيرين.. و شباب بيملوا العين
الكل بالتغيير..حاسيين

بعد سنين ظلام.. بين وعد و بين كلام
بدأت الأحلام.. تتحقق

و إتمدت الجسور.. بين كل سور و سور
و ضي فجر جديد..بيشقشق

تعالوا..ندوب ف سحر لحظة..ف حب مصر
تعالوا بينا يلا.. نحب مصر

هندفن الآهات.. ف بحر الذكريات
و يا ريت ننسى اللي فات.. و نكمل

على كوبري قصر النيل.. و أنا رايح التحرير
شايف ناس كتير..بتكمل

تعالوا..ندوب ف سحر لحظة..ف حب مصر
تعالوا بينا يلا.. نحب مصر

نسمة تغيير بتهب.. تعالوا يلا نحب
و كلنا نبقى.. إيد واحدة
.. علشان بلدنا..تبقى أحلى

ونغني بأعلى صوت.. ماهو راح زمن السكوت

تعالوا..ندوب ف سحر لحظة..ف حب مصر
تعالوا بينا يلا.. نحب مصر..

حدث في يناير 2011

S for Shiko

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

'Whatsapp Dude' -Mas2oleya w Masareef- (+18) episode 1

Whatsapp Conversation (True Story) 

X: Can U lend me 200 LE until i get my over-time money?

Me: Very bad timing, i just spent 4800 LE in 3 days. I bought a new BlackBerry and i did some shopping.

X: A7eeh, ana mofles!

Me: Wadeit floosak fein?

X: Rabena Yostor

Me: E7na lesa fi nos el shahr!

X: Magaboosh..

Me: Magaboosh eh?

X: Floos el edafy wl mostawrad.

Me: Mmm.. Lazem temsek 2eedak w t7awesh Asa7bi :-)

X: Ahh :-S

Me: Omal 3awez tetnayel tetgawez ezay?! Wala enta faker el gawaz 'sex' w bs?! :-)

X: Msh 3aref,, Ah Sex :-))

Me: hehehe

X: Omal ih?

Me: Mas2oleya w Masareef ya fale7 :-p

X: Haaaaaaaaar eswed 8-)

The End

S for Shiko

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Legend is TRUE... " Ibra "

Who is This??

It's the Twins "Shawki"..

NO NO..!

It's Captain Bassam..

NO NO..!

It's Captain Majed..


It's Zlatan Ibrahimovic...

Splendid...!! :-) ;-)

And I Thought it was a myth :-p

S for Shiko