فيه ناس تديلهم أكتر.. م اللي بيستاهلوه
و تستنى منهم أكتر.. م اللي بيقدروا يدوه
تستنى يدقوا بابك.. و يتطمنوا عليك
و غاوي تشغل بالك.. بناس مش سائلة فيك
و ف نفس الوقت فيه ناس.. طيبين أوي
كلهم احساس.. و بيدوا كتير أوي
بيدوا كل حاجة.. من غير ما يشوفوا ايه
هياخدوا من ورانا.. أو راح نديلهم ايه
طب احنا ليه مبنحسش.. غير متأخر أوي
و بعد ما نجرح ناس.. علينا عزاز أوي
تعالى يا قلبي نفكر تاني.. و نعيد حسابنا
جايز لما نفكر تاني.. نعمل حسابنا
أكيد فيه ناس بنظلمهم.. و احنا مش عارفين
زي ما ناس بنوفيلهم.. و هما مش فاهمين
This is an arabic song i wrote,
explaining the types of people we meet in our life,
Explaining Who we should care about and who we must neglect..
Who deserves our attention, and who we should respect..
A person can not live ALONE in this world...
as my mum used to tell me when i was young :-))
you should mingle and gingle.. give and take..
amuse and get hurt..
you should rise and fall.. you should try it all..
Coz you'll never know, unless you try..
who's who? and which's which??
Through out my life I've encountered lots of people everywhere..
Some came and left, some stayed,,
Some pushed me forward,
Some pulled me downward,
Some I hate in my thoughts,
Some remained in my heart,
Some remained by my side...and those are MY FRIENDS
We all need friends in our lives.. Circles of Friends..
This is my classification of Friendship:
I'm in the core.. together with my close friends, then my best friends in the inner circle, then my friends, then my acquaintances.. and the rest.. are out :-p
Acquaintances: people I work with, know through other friends, members of committees or groups I belong to. These are people I know but do associate with outside of the confines of the source of our meeting. We are 'friendly' but not yet friends.
Friends: people i hang out with and talk to sometimes. People who would testify on my behalf at a trial :-p
Best Friends: People I share myself with. These are friends in the truest sense of the word for they are not only people I share time with, but people I share everything with and whom I would consider family.
Close Friends: Simply.. the ones i would kill and die for, and they would do the same for me !
So, i wont mention who is who, i'll leave that for you.. to classify yourself ;-p
Many people i know, call anyone they know.. a friend.. that's not wise..
If wrong people come close to your inner circles.. it could be a disaster..
As they will know exactly where to HIT !!
To my thinking i do strongly believe that mixing up this circles could ruin a social life!!
"F R I E N D " is a very meaningful word.. if you mixed up.. you will be easily f***ed up..
SO make sure to NEVER MIX UP.. :-D
As I grew older,,
Friends who don't just hang out with you...
But F R I E N D S whom you can hang upon when you lose your balance..
Friends who don't just fill your facebook friends list...
But F R I E N D S whom you are listed in their priority list.
Friends who don't just chat on whatsapp and similar applications..
But F R I E N D S who can cheer you up with all their sensations..
Friends who don't just say that they care..
But F R I E N D S whom you feel that they really care..
and I believe that God granted me what i wished for... F R I E N D S..
Some people you trust,, are not more than dust,,
they bring tears to your eyes,, they bring pain to your heart..
and all your mistake,, is a misjudging trust..
Just leave them at once,, as quick as you must,,
Find a person who cares,, by actions not words,,
Find persons who have.. hearts made of Gold..
As people like them,, will never be rust..
I Believe Friendship is a matter of DESTINY,,
I don't care about places.. or distances,,

I don't care about genders or ages,,
A true F R I E N D.. always finds his way..
And others.. Just go away..
I had a group of Best Friends in my teenage life..
We had nothing in common but.. LOVE and TRUST
I still believed that nothing and no one could choose who i am to be with.. not the places.. not the races.. not the religion.. nothing... I will choose my friends..
I feel it's a shame if i don't mention my close friends in my article.. which is mainly about friendship.. So i'd like to dedicate this article to them..
'M I' my best friend for 13 years now. What i can mention about him, is that he is the guy who supported me and protected my back, when nobody did.. He is a brother and family to me. He is the friend i would share critical information and advice!!
'A S' My best friend for 7 years now. I was a pharmacy student, he was a mass communication student. He is older than me by one year of age. If you ask me who is the guy i would choose to be imprisoned with for life.. i'll choose him.. as we will not stop laughing. He is the friend who provides deep level of emotional support. (7abibi ya 3amoora) had to say it :-p :-D :-D
'A R' My dear best friend for 8 years now. I 'm a Muslim, he is a christian.I support him in all his steps. I have a belief that if anything wrong happened to me, no one will be as caring as him, he is the friend who would take a bullet in his chest to protect me !
One of the best guys I've ever met in my life, 'A H', younger in age and a business students.. yet one of my best friends. He is the guy who luvs me da most ;-) and i feel the same as well :-) w matefhamoosh 3'alat :-p
One of my best friends ever, 'H M', we know each other for 24 years and proud :-) we became very close like 9 years ago and till now.. she's a person i would like to keep for the rest of my life.
'K G' a true brother. a computer engineer graduated from cairo university. He is now in Canada. But he's with me every day and night on whatsapp :-) we have something in common that i can't say in public,, but our close common friends definitely know it :-p . He is the person i could call 'Soul-mate'.
'H A' my cute friend, from morocco.. we are friends for 7 years now. She is really one of a kind. I haven't met anyone as faithful as this person. If she's reading this words, i'd like to tell her "Tu me manque beaucoup". She is the person i would put my life in her hands with complete trust ! :-)
'A F' one of the people you really need to have in your life. He is an engineer. Very helpful and supportive. He is a savior when you need one. He loves his friends. And we do love him a lot :-)
It's been one year now, since i began my new Job.. I still didn't change my idea of friendship. I still believe that nothing and no one could choose who i am to be with..
I met new acquaintances.. most of them are very nice ones.. Many became my friends..
However, Six personnel are steadily building their road to my world of friends,, some of them have already reached the inner circles and even the core.. i would love to mention them as well..
'M M' a unique guy,, very helpful and cooperative,, caring and a person you can count on and trust.. a perfect friend indeed ;-)
'N H' the young lady with the beautiful smile, she's da person who makes me feel that i'm her baby :-p she's the person i always miss the most.
'A M' three words.. Honest, Clear, and I adore :-)
'M W' she really has this special part.. i can say she's my favorite :-p
'R M' my elder sister, I really enjoy her companion and i love her character. She's da person who i respect her advice.
w 5etamoha mesk..
'E S' (and sometimes 'A') :-p simply "Mon Amie" with all the meanings this word may hold ;-)
These are my F R I E N D S.. This is my world..
I don't care which race, i don't care how old..
I don't care who they worship, i don't care near or far..
As long as it's friendship, we'll reach for the star..
I only mentioned their initials as a respect for their privacy.
I only mentioned my very close friends,, so please don't feel disappointed if you didn't find your initials.. you still might be one of my best friends,, and i still like you :-) :-p
Ma7mouzi,,, sortak ahe :-p
:-p :-D ;-)
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