أنا حبيت من غير م أدرى
(ana 7abeit mn '3eir madra)
أنا حبيت من غير م أدرى
معرفش ازاي.. انت الأدرى
حياتي الهادية من غيرك
حييتها انت من طلّة
ب طلّة.. خدتني بسحرك
لقيتني.. دبت من نظرة
أنا حبيت من غير م أدرى
معرفش ازاى.. انت الأدرى
حاولت أهرب كتير منك
بقيت بأهرب وأقربلك
و لما بأقول أنا نسيتك
بأكون ف الأصل مشتاقلك
أنا حبيت من غير م أدرى
معرفش ازاي.. انت الأدرى
نسيت نفسي و أنا جنبك
بقيت ماشي بإحساسي
و خدني إحساسي أنا لحضنك
و خدني إزاي؟.. م بأدراشي
أنا حبيت من غير م أدرى
معرفش إزاي.. انت الأدرى
حياتي الهادية من غيرك
حييتها انت من طلّة
ب طلّة.. خدتني بسحرك
لقتني دبت من نظرة
How nice! :-)
You never know when your heart will beat..
But when it beats..
You'll definitely know it.. ;-)
It's the most amazing Feeling a person could ever experience..
You don't force yourself to be in love..You just.. FALL for someone..
"hey guys, I think I'm in love..! "
Why?? When?? How??
(Never ask.. cause you will never find the answer)
It just happens.. There are no rules..
When you are in love..
You never wait for anything in return..
You just give everything you could..
Do everything you would..
Just to see your lover happy..
Even Sacrifice has a joyful taste when you do it for the sake of the person you love..
The feeling of safety and secure when you are in the arms of your lover..
This unique feeling takes you to a state of Euphoria..
An intense feeling of well-being, excitement and joy.
An intense state of happiness combined with an overwhelming sense of contentment.
It is the extreme feeling of complete satisfaction.
It's the feeling you would never want to let go..
It's L O V E
The image of Cupid and his arrows is embedded in our collective consciousness as the symbol of romantic love.
Cupid and his Arrows..
"Cupid seems to be enjoying flying around, spreading his golden wings, shooting his golden arrows here and there, playing.. and making people fall in love.."
But what about Cupid himself.. has he ever been in love??
Let's Find out..
Cupid's Love story..!! :-)
Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom. There was a king with three daughters. They were all beautiful, but by far the most beautiful was the youngest, Psyche.
Cupid was the son of Venus (goddess of love and beauty) and Mars (god of war).
Psyche was so beautiful that people began to neglect the worship of Venus, the goddess of love and beauty.
Venus was very jealous, because the populace thought that the king's youngest daughter, Psyche, was more beautiful than the goddess of love and beauty. The populace began to worship the princess instead.
Venus asked her son Cupid to make Psyche fall in love with the vilest thing in the world, a horrible monster!
Following the orders of his mother, Cupid sneaked into Psyche's room to shoot her with a golden arrow.
When he saw how beautiful she was, Cupid dropped the arrow meant for her.
He accidentally scratched himself with his own arrow and fell deeply in love with Psyche.. <3 <3 !!
The king, Psyche's father, became concerned that many came to worship her daughter, but no suitors would dare ask for the hand in marriage.
Her father went to an oracle in Miletus, where he heard that his daughter must be left in the mountain, where an evil being (demon or monster) would take his daughter as his wife.
The king and Psyche's two sisters sorrowfully left Psyche on a high, rocky hill; she bravely waited for her demonic suitor. She met no one she could see, when Zephyrus, god of the west wind, took her and wafted her away to a palace, where she was waited on by invisible servants.
Following that, Cupid visited Psyche every night while she slept. Speaking to her so that she could not see him, he told her to never try to see him.
Psyche grew homesick. She persuaded Cupid to allow her sisters to visit her. Cupid agreed.
When they saw how she lived they became very jealous and talked Psyche into peeking at Cupid, saying that he was a monster who was fattening her up to be eaten and that her only chance of survival was to kill him !
When night fell, Psyche took a lamp and a knife, but when she saw how handsome Cupid was, she was so surprised ! she accidentally dripped some hot wax from her lamp onto his shoulder, waking him up!!
This angered Cupid. He took in the situation at a glance and immediately left Psyche and the magnificent palace she had been living in disappeared in a puff of smoke !!
When he left, she looked all over the known world for him and eventually in desperation approached his mother, Venus.
Still angry, Venus told her that she would help her find Cupid if she did the tasks presented to her.
The goddess set various tasks for Psyche,
She was asked to sort out a storehouse full of grains by their type. Despairing, she asked for aide, and an army of ants came to help her, sorting the grains out.
She was next directed to gather a handful of wool from some wild and dangerous sheep. Again, she asked for aide, and the briars by the riverside told her to wait, and after the sheep had drunk, she could gather the wool from their briars that they had pulled out.
Venus was not happy to find that the girl had performed her tasks so well.
For a final task, she gave Pysche a box, and told her to go to see Proserpine, wife of Hades, God of the underworld, and ask for a little of her beauty.
Pyshce travelled to the underworld and met the Queen of the dead, who gave her a box, commanding her not to open it. Psyche travelled out of hell again, but on her way, felt that she had worked so hard for so long that she deserved some reward. She thought to open the box and take a little of the beauty out for her own use.
However, when she opened the box she found instead that what lay inside was a deathly sleep, and she collapsed on the ground.
By this time Cupid had recovered from his wound, and was sorry he had left Pysche in such a manner. He sought out to find her, and discovered her laying as if dead. He went to her, brushed away the sleep from her body, and embraced her again.
At last Cupid found out what was going on, and he persuaded Jupiter to order Venus to stop her persecution of Psyche.
Jupiter, the leader of the gods, gave Psyche the gift of immortality so that she could be with him. It really was ever since Psyche was made a goddess.
Then they were married and together they had a daughter, Hedone.
and They lived happily ever after. :-)
Meaning of:
"Cupid" means "Desire"
"Psyche" means "Soul"
"Venus" means "Love & Sexual Desire"
"Mars" means "Throng of Battle"
"Jupiter" means " The Supreme God"
"Zephyrus" means "West Wind"
"Proserpine" means "to emerge"
"Hades" means "hell of the damned"
"Hedone" means "pleasure"
Last BUT not Least..
I wish you all.. LOVE, JOY and HAPPINESS,, :-)
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